Saturday, December 03, 2005




Furuncles are actually commonly called boils. These are infections involving hair follicles and may include adjacent subcutaneous tissue. They are red, painful hot and filled with pus.

Generally these localized infections are caused by staph aureus but can be caused by other bacteria or fungi. They can be either single or can appear in clusters anywhere on the skin.

It is important for the lymphedema patient not to squeeze or pick at a furuncle. The may lead to the spread of infection and can develop into erysipelas, cellulitis or lymphangitis.


Red tender inflammed spots
Pus filled
Painful or tender due to the infection


Possible complications of furuncles can include spread of infection to other parts of the body, abscess of kidneys or other body organs, endocarditis, abscess formation and septic foci, sepsis.


Surgical drainage may be required based upon the longevity and severity of the furuncle.
Topical antibiotics
Oral antibiotics
Warm compresses to aid the drainage


For Further Information:



The Trouble with Furuncles




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